The origin of Henson horses
Originally, the Henson horse breed comes from cross-breeding between Fjord stallions (Scandinavian origin) and local mares from multiple breeds : Thoroughbred, Anglo-Arab, French saddle, Trotter...
Though cross-breeding with Fjord horses had existed since the 19th century, it must be attributed to Bernard Bizet, farmer and breeder of Morlay (municipality of Ponthoile), to introduce them in the Bay of the Somme area, at the beginning of the 70s, with the objective to produce sturdy horses and ponies, benefiting from the qualities of both original breeds.
But to create a new breed was something else... At the outset, the adventure rather looked wacky, a sort of « mission impossible »... Indeed, except the “ French Saddle Horse” breed, there was no other breed “created” in France during the 20th century... At the end of the seventies, we owe this boldness to the vision of its founders, Lionel and Marc Berquin, encouraged by their close friends of the “Bay of the Somme Riders Association”, created in 1979 and, notably, to their high school pal, Michel Trencart, veterinary.
Their vision was as ambitious as simple : to produce a true multi-purpose, tonic, enduring, safe and sturdy horse, able to live outdoor all year round. To this, was added a philosophy : trust nature in breeding, raising and farming and make the « new » horse breed a true expression of freedom in horsemanship and shared emotions.